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Welcome to Scrabble

This is a True Swiss tournament, you play all 3 rounds, win or lose.
Each game will be played to 120 points.
The first player called will set the table.
Please report in lobby at the end of each match, Win (Name) // Non-Win (Name).
Winners of each round will be announced before advancing.
We will ask if you agree, please respond with (y) for yes or (n) for no.
If you have any questions, please ask the host before the tournament begins.



It's a good idea to check the table settings before entering the room to avoid disagreements.

If you lose the Match the winner reports to the Host in the lobby:

Win (Name) // Non-Win (Name)

3 boots or 10 minutes missing are allowed before disqualification. Please report Opponent missing to the host in the lobby:

Opponent Missing table #

There is no tolerance of abusive behavior to another league member and/or your Host. This is the only warning you will receive, any member found to be abusive will be disqualified from the tourney.